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Dali Sculptures​

About Us​

Home of Salvador Dali sculptures

At Dali Sculptures, we bring the genius of Salvador Dalí to your fingertips with our exclusive collection of authentic limited edition sculptures. Each piece reflects Dalí’s unique vision and artistry, crafted to inspire and captivate. Located in Limassol, CY, we curate only the finest sculptures for collectors and art enthusiasts alike. Embrace the surreal and elevate your space with these extraordinary works of art that celebrate one of history’s greatest artists.

We work with galleries, art dealers, museums and exhibition spaces or event managers to bring knowledge about Salvador Dalí and his artistic production, focusing mainly but not exclusively on limited edition sculptures.
Sculpture was an integral part of Dali´s creativity, let´s work together and spread knowledge about it!

The Dali Sculptures here presented are the collection managed by Massimo Martina who partners with galleries, exhibitors and art dealers to show, explain and distribute these artworks to the art collectors and anyone passionate about art, sculpture and Dalí.​

Why dalisculptures.com?​

Our mission is to educate the public about Salvador Dali, his art and sculptural production, bronze casting, limited editions and art in general. Did I mention Surrealism? Well, I mentioned Dalí, surrealism is implicit!

Dalí´s vision when working with limited editions, prints and multiples was that everyone should have the possibility to know, desire, enjoy and possess his art. Our aim is to contribute to this vision as a legacy and our duty toward the art world.​